The report was officially released on October 30th 2023 and is available for free download on the ABELab deliverables webpage.

ABE Lab is a collaborative project aiming to provide publishers with detailed information about options and costs for remediation to make backlist ebooks accessible. European Digital Reading Lab (EDRLab), Fondazione LIA and Koninklijke Bibliotheek the National Library of the Netherlands are partners of this Creative Europe funded project. A complete description of the project is available at the ABE Lab project webpage.

The report describes the activities and the results of the first phase of the project that was dedicated to analyzing the composition of the EU backlist, in terms of ebook formats, categories and years of production, and to conducting a gap analysis to highlight their most recurring accessibility issues in the light of EAA requirements and international accessibility guidelines.

This document provides stakeholders with a classification methodology and an overview of the gaps to be filled for the titles in the backlist to reach conformity to the EAA. The direct outcomes of this work are:

  • a remediation complexity assessment methodology applicable to collections of files;
  • a view of the remediation complexity per Thema category;
  • a view of main accessibility issues detected.

We hope the report will provide you with valuable information and we are at your disposal for any questions or comments. Please contact the ABELab Project Core Team using the email contact @