Read online, download or load deliverable catalog into reading application (OPDS) into any good reading application (Catalogue OPDS containing EPUB versions of the deliverables)!

Feedback request on relevance and expectations for the future

This survey aims to gather feedback on the ABE Lab project, its relevance and its impact for publishers who collaborated on the project or who are interested in remediation of backlist ebooks.

For the project partners, it is also a useful opportunity to ascertain the needs and expectations of publishers for possible future projects.

Fill the survey! (4 minutes)

Final Public Report

Released 2024, may the 17th. Diffusion: Public.

Final project report including a short introduction presenting context, summary of the activities, main findings and outcomes as well as leverages proposals.

Guidelines for remediation tools producers

Released 2024, may the 7th. Diffusion: Public.

This document aims to provide high-level guidelines that can be used by producers and developers of remediation tools to design, develop or improve their own tools, highlighting the requirements these tools should include to be effective and to support the human operators by making the process as simple, intuitive and fluid as possible - depending also on the competence of the target users.

Report on Backlist Data and gap analysis

Released on 2023, October the 30th. Diffusion: Public.

This document has two objectives. The first is to provide stakeholders with insight into an overview of the number of ebooks actually on the European market and their repartition by categories, formats and years of production. This is addressed in the first main section “Composition of the EU ebook backlist”. The second objective is to provide a view of the gaps to be filled for the titles in the backlist to reach conformity to the EAA. It is covered by the second main section “Gap analysis”.

Note that this document initially released in October 2023 was updated in may 2024. The updated version has two more pages after the Annexes under the title *ADDENDUM - PER YEAR ANALYSIS*.

Detailed evaluation of the tests made on ebooks

Released on 2023, October the 30th. Diffusion: for project members and contributing publishers only.